Last memorial i went to actually had applause at the end. TACKY
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
All the Old JW Acquaintances Passing Away
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, my dad told me an older sister passed away.
she wasn't too old (in her 60s), but i knew her 30 years ago and haven't seen her in 15 years; the main reason being that i faded 10 years ago.. yesterday, i seriously considered attending the funeral and catch-up with old jws i used to know.
after thinking it over, i decided against it.
A new Tony Morris thread: Question
by XBEHERE ini am not trying to hijack the already well commented on thread on this subject .
however i do have a question: for pimo's, pimq's, and those who still go to meetings in person fairly regularly... is anyone still talking about this?
road to nowhere
Im not sure half even know. But I am not well involved either. The buzz is CO visit and convention. Hardly any mention of a recent death either.
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
road to nowhere
More like a go trailer, that wont fit a bag.
I donate from my extra money earned by going part time. Except overtime was actually required because my skills were not easily replaced.
Advice to reduce hours earn less and spend more time on the ministry
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe advice to reduce work and earn less to spend more time preaching has not aged well.. the cost of living crisis means many have more going out on necessities than they have coming in.. so many asked their employer to reduce their hours and refused promotion only to see their colleagues go up the ladder when they stayed lowly position with rubbish jobs thinking the end will be here soon.
next week midweek meeting is all about preparing for an economic crisis.. they say have a go bag and new advice for all jws to store food and water at home and grow a vegetable garden, i kid you not.
this is the new direction..
road to nowhere
Comments: use by dates, water restrictions in many areas, no gardens in apartments.
That said, I know "pioneers" who have lost e everything by not carryinghealth insurance and having a serious accident or disease. The brothers offer platitudes
All the Old JW Acquaintances Passing Away
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, my dad told me an older sister passed away.
she wasn't too old (in her 60s), but i knew her 30 years ago and haven't seen her in 15 years; the main reason being that i faded 10 years ago.. yesterday, i seriously considered attending the funeral and catch-up with old jws i used to know.
after thinking it over, i decided against it.
road to nowhere
Witness funerals are a recruiting talk. Very little about the deceased. I think people go for the ,(as you said), catching up and the buffet.
by blondie in"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
road to nowhere
" will there be more earthquakes? "
Hailstone message.....June 23 WT
by mikeflood innew jun 23 wt....elders to follow gideon example, even if instructions doesn't seems practical, gideon reduced army by 99 % and he obeyed, it could be changes in theocratic direction similar to this.
what that means?.
elders will need the courage to follow instructions "may relate to delivering a symbolic hailstone message...".. in another section "major world events may raise some from spiritual slumber".
road to nowhere
I thought the hailstones happened 100 years,ago. Or was that bowls?
Mass Shooting at Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany
by EdenOne inmass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
road to nowhere
Maybe a bigger " no weapons" sign? An assessment of who has guns, is not gung ho, and announcements.
Sanctions against hunters would backfire and maybe set off someone.
Unhappily the solution is allowing an armed presence.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
road to nowhere
From appearances now, there is no one on the current GB who is that hostile to Morris
Reading between the lines I surmise Lett the clown is actually a cunning despot.
I never would have thought I would have any feeling forTM, but this like watching a soviet purge.
In actuality Purges came about under every WT leader
When Did the Watchtower Introduce the "Generation of 1914" Teaching?
by Ding ini'm looking for help to track down the development of the "generation" doctrine, starting with when the wt first specifically tied the end to the generation of 1914.. russell taught that 1914 would be the end of this system of things.
when that failed, rutherford started touting 1925.. no need to talk about generations then; it was just specific dates.. when did they first tie the end in to a "generation of 1914" time frame?.
i also know that they changed the meaning of generation several times.. first, a person had to have been at least 15 in order to have seen the events of 1914 with understanding of what was happening.. i think they lowered that to 10 and then finally it was anyone who was alive in 1914.. of course, now the generation overlaps.. does anyone know someone where all these wt teachings are set out chronologically (preferably with citations to the literature)?.
road to nowhere
The problem is plagiarized ideas put forth as if they came directly from heaven to the " only" true religion